Care for Hair

Causes of Hair Fall (loss) in Male and Female.

Hair fall or hair loss.

Personality-wise hair is our most important ingredient in human beings. Nowadays everyone is worried about hair loss. There are different reasons and causes of hair fall which we will learn today. Many of us are victims of personality disorder due to hair fall. From hair fall to baldness everyone got panic and lost their confidence.  Many questions arise to a victim of the hair fall like how society will make fun of him/her. To better understand this there is a Bollywood film on baldness or hair loss called Gone Kesh (Starring- Shweta Tripathi & Jitendra Kumar), Bala (Starring- Ayushmann Khurrana), Ujda Chaman (Starring- Sunny Singh). These are Hindi films please watch these films for self-motivation and confidence in hair loss. Some of the hair fall causes are heredity, hormonal imbalance, stress, nutrition deficiency, medications, etc. So, let’s discuss the causes of hair fall one by one.

Causes of Hair Loss.

  1. Genetic factors
  2. Hormonal Changes
  3. Medical Conditions
  4. Medications
  5. Stress
  6. Nutrition Deficiency

Genetic Factors

Family History: This is the most common cause of hair loss. It depends on the heredity of the human cycle. If there is baldness in your family from grandparents to you means you are a victim of a heredity problem. Hereditary belongs either from your mother’s family cycle or your father’s family cycle. But, it happens at a particular age. Not in early 20s to 30s. These days you will see a lot of people facing this issue at an early age. Likewise, it is known as Androgenic alopecia.

Hormonal Changes

During our lives, we human beings face many hormonal imbalances in our bodies. Due to that, we face many challenges and some temporary weaknesses and diseases. It is estimated that more than 50% of women will experience noticeable hair fall during hormonal imbalance. There are many reasons for hair fall in women during hormonal imbalances like pregnancy, childbirth, and thyroid problems. The most significant cause in women for hair loss is female-pattern hair loss (FPHL).

Whereas male hormone imbalances due to menopause. It is the most common reason for hormone imbalance in males. Also, other factors are dry skin, fatigue, weakness, constipation, difficulty concentrating, depression, development of breast tissue, erectile dysfunction, etc.

Medical Conditions

There are some causes of hair fall in medical conditions. Immune system-related problems that cause hair fall. Your immune system attacks your hair follicles because it thinks they are invaders like bacteria or viruses. This immune system causes patchy hair loss. Secondly, scalp infections like ringworm. But, this is more common in women older than 40. Your medical conditions may cause hair fall. It may be a disease or infectious illness. So, in this case, you can consult a trichologist and get well treatment so, that you can fix this medical disease easily.


Medicines are available in every house today. From grandparents to us. We are taking medicines for different diseases. Some have heart problems, high blood pressure (BP), diabetes, depression, cancer, birth control pills, arthritis, etc. These drugs are used for everyone which causes some side effects. Due to that, we became a victim of hair fall or hair loss. In earlier times people used home remedies for these diseases and they were less reliant on drugs.

But, nowadays even for the headache, we ask chemists to give us one strip of 15 tablets. Instead of tablets, we can do basic remedies like masala tea, lemon tea, a small nap, etc. Don’t put your body into drug habitual mode. This might cause a serious hair fall for males and females. We know that for certain diseases we need to take regular medicines for cancer, thyroid, diabetes, etc. The least we can do is stay away from drugs if it is not necessary and for those who are on regular medication. Along with their medication, they can do physical exercise, walk, maintain a healthy diet, etc.


This is the very basic cause of hair fall in males and females. Nowadays everyone is in stress mode from a very early age. In this stage, your stress or mental health causes your hair thinning. Also, if you are in depression or you may have physical trauma, emotional shock, etc. All these things are the reasons for your hair thinning and hair fall.

But, the good thing is this stage is temporary and you can handle it easily. Just relax your body and do physical exercise. Mostly people from the corporate world are in stress mode. They have to meet a deadline and their stress level increases and feel weak while working. Even, at an early age children have stress, depression, and anxiety to prove themself in society or in school. To meet our daily goals sometimes we deep dive into such a stress level that we can’t realize our hair fall. Due to this stress, we become a victim of hair fall. As it is said “ Worry is like a Pyre”.

Nutrition Deficiency

Most of us are just eating because we just know that we have to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, we don’t know what are the requirements of our body. Our body needs every mineral and vitamin to enrich our body parts. So, having poor nutrition causes hair fall. We need vitamins, biotin, iron, zinc, silica, protein, etc. to stop hair fall. A lack of vitamins or proteins may cause hair fall and even we don’t realize these nutrition. Whenever we get to know that we are victims of hair fall usually we rush to the doctor or get a massage on our head. But, we need to know about nutrition deficiency so, that we can have proper nutrition for our hairs. Furthermore, nowadays there is a trend of dieting for rapid weight loss or to maintain our physic. This may also cause hair fall or hair loss.

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